Forever, I guess. Mother says when I was a baby, people tried to cut it. They wanted to take it for themselves. But once it’s cut, it turns brown and loses its power. A gift like that, it has to be protected.
That’s why Mother never let me… That’s why I never left and…
だからお母さんは私を一度も… だから私は一度も(塔を)出たことがなかったの…
No! Yes. It’s complicated.
Was he a thief, too?
Hey. For the record, I like Eugene Fitzherbert much better than Flynn Rider.
What if it’s not everything I dreamed it would be?
I’m not freaking out. Are you freaking out? I’m just interested in your hair and the magical qualities it possesses. How long has it been doing that exactly?
There was this book I used to read every night to all the younger kids.The Tales of Flynnagan Rider. Swashbuckling rogue, richest man alive, not bad with the ladies either. Not that he’d ever brag about it, of course.
He had enough money to do anything that he wanted to do. He could go anywhere that he wanted to go. And for a kid with nothing, I don’t know, I… Just seemed like the better option.